About Mylan

My own journey has been one of overcoming obstacles to achieve personal growth. Raised by hard-working parents, I adopted an early belief that money would bring happiness. Leaving home at a young age was a defining moment – it made me determined to succeed – but despite the resulting career, something was missing: I didn’t feel a sense of purpose.

In 2016, I resigned from the corporate world and pursued my passion for personal development and different healing modalities to help others heal and transform their lives.

My sound healing journey began a few years ago when I purchased my first singing bowl at the Mind Body Soul festival. Intrigued by the harmonious pure sounds and wanting more, I attended a sound bath and experienced an intense emotional release. It was a breakthrough, a past situation that would have triggered an anger response, now left me feeling inner peace, calm, and lightness.

I was fortunate to study my Sound Healing Diploma at the Academy of Sound Healing, learning from the best and meeting so many likeminded beautiful souls on this journey has been magical and spiritual. It’s been an honour learning about the powerful transformative benefits of sound and the process of facilitating Sound baths to groups.

Every sound ceremony gives me the opportunity to be creative and incorporate different modalities such NLP, Hypnosis, meditations and rituals combined with the power of sound, making it a unique and transformative healing experience. As a Sound practitioner I absolutely love creating and holding intentional sacred space for women to experience the power of sound and sisterhood, it’s magical.


  • Diploma in Sound healing - The Academy of Sound Healing

  • Certificate in Integral Sound Healing - The Academy of Sound Healing

  • Advanced Diploma in Life Coaching - The life Coaching College

  • Certified Master in NLP - The life Coaching College

  • Diploma in Conscious Hypnosis - The life Coaching College

  • Crystal Dreaming Practitioner