How does Sound Healing work?

For thousands of years, sound healing has been used for healing in nearly every culture. Whether through the use of mantras with the Hindus, drum ceremonies of the Native Americans, the didgeridoo played by the aboriginal tribes and the chants of the Tibetan monks. They all use frequencies of sound with the same intention: to move us from a place of imbalance and dis-ease to a place of balance and healing.

The human body is made up of 60-70% water and water is an excellent conductor for sound vibration. When sound vibrations travel through our bodies, tissues, organs and cells, this promotes circulation, energy flow, rejuvenation and a profound sense of peace and relaxation. Sound therapy can transform frequencies from low energy of fear and guilt to higher vibrations of love and joy.

The Power of Sound

Scientists have been studying the impacts of sound therapy and their research has revealed that the human body is a vibrational frequency entity. Each cell in our body resonates and puts out and accepts sound frequencies. When we are ill, our cells are out of sync. Sound therapy has the ability to identify these out of tune frequencies and when the sounds and frequencies are introduced back into your body, your brain then has the ability to send these “ in tune” frequencies to the damaged cells to facilitate healing.

Sound can help to shift our brainwave states from normal beta state to alpha, and even reach theta (meditative state) and induce an even deeper theta meditation, and deep delta sleep, where the body can heal itself.

What happens in a Sound bath?

Our bodies, minds and our spirits always desire balance but too often, we have too much noise, and not enough time. In a sound bath, the sound acts as the focal point, reducing and eliminating the noise, leading to a release of deep rooted tension and emotional blocks and creating a profound sense of peace and relaxation.

A sound bath will typically last for 80 minutes, with a set theme like a Full Moon Release & Renew, New Moon Manifesting Magic. Wild Woman Awakening or Mothers Day Deep Relaxation. We start with setting our intentions, followed by dance or ritual, then you lay down and get comfortable, close your eyes, and immerse yourself in all the soothing sounds played by various sound healing instruments - clear quartz crystal bowls and tibetan bowls, gongs, monalina, chimes, rainstick, drums, meditation and vocal toning to faciliate relaxation and healing.

Through out the session, everyones sound journey is unique and they experience a range of physical and mental sensations. Most commonly, they fall into a deep state of relaxation, some have “aha” moments, some have a good cry or some fall asleep.

Sound Healing Benefits

  • Lower stress levels & Relaxation

  • Improved wellbeing

  • Improved patience and less frustration

  • Clarity and Balance

  • More confidence

  • Emotional release and breakthrough

  • Balancing Chakras

  • Improved sleep